2012년 10월 29일 월요일
GCF in Incheon!
Songdo of Incehon city wins bid to bring in headquarters of Green Climate Fund
Incheon is in the center of the 'Green Earth'
What's GCF?
▶ Raises a $ 800 billion fund
▶ A greenbank as large as IMF
▶ Initially 500 people. Up to more than 8,000 people working as an international organization member.
▶ Elevating national prestige by holding a large scale international organization for the first time.
▶ Elevating the brand power of Incheon.
Green Climate Fund
Because of the rapid climate change, the whole human race is at the crossroads of survival. Especially, reducing green-house gases from the developing countries and adapting to the climate change is problem that the world should solve together.
To solve the environmental problems of these countries a huge sum of financial resources are required. And GCF is the organization that handles it.
G.C.F means Green Climate Fund.
The international society has realized the urgency of climate change, and thus gathered $100 billion to support developing countries adapt climate change. The establishment of 'Green Climate Fund(GCF)', an organization to create and use the financial resources is imminent.
2012년 10월 25일 목요일
South Korea : UN Security Council
South Korea
becomes a member of
UN Security Council!
10 non-permanent members enjoy power of decision making in several important issues such as resolution in disputed region, and deploying UN Peacekeeping Operations(PKO).
Now, South Korea has become a prominent nation contributing for the world peace~
South Korea becomes Non-permanent member of UN Security Council
South Korea,
2013-14 non-permanent member of UN Security Council.
Re-enters as a member after 16 years since its term of 1996-97
Secured 149 votes among 193 UN members
As one of 15 member states, it will play a major role in global peacekeeping
Positive effects on controlling the stability in Korean Peninsula
High Status in international foreign affairs,
Now its Global Korea.
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